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субота, 20. јун 2015.

We never actually talked about Cortana.

Well... What to say about her, she is a simple (she is far more than simple) idiotic program.
Well i can say all bad and offensive things about her (which i will do) but I'll try not to...
For first thing of all the bunch things that i have to say about her:

She only work, for now (and i hope for forever), on WindowsPhone, phones, and on Windows 8.1 Systems, so on tablets or laptops, and on computers. But Microsoft recently shared video of some app for Windows 10 system, and on that app we can see that Cortana will soon come on Android and iOS devices (which is unfortunately), but she won't work "as good" as on Windows devices because she will exist as app only, while on Windows devices she is crucial part of operating system it self.
But lets start with review of her:
She is your (kinda) smart personal assistant, made (by knowing them they stole it) by Microsoft and she is made so she can respond on your unusually requests. So for an example if you ask her "Who's your daddy", she will make (she is programed to say that on this question so that isn't actually a joke) a joke and answer "Technically speaking, that'd be Bill Gates. No big deal.".

But also she is made to give you alert when weather changes are coming or when you late for work, or when someone call you to remind you to say something to that person... That is all nice, but she can't even fart when she doesn't have internet. And plus she can't do anything without sending all that data to Microsoft server. And she is nothing more than circle on your screen than (sometimes) work on very (roboticaly) humanly (only by Microsoft thinking) way if she have internet. And  will we really sell our freedom just for some circle or just to brag to all our friends that we have that little circle.

 If i type something to search on internet on my browser it will be found a lot more faster than if we let  (it) "HER" to do it, we have to wait till she recognise all words and till she gets if we asked her for answer or have we searched for something on internet.
I have app for weather forecast and its right on start of my start screen and instead of clicking on it why would i click on Cortana and then ask her for "What kind of weather gonna be tomorrow?"... I mean sure its fun to do so and then brag on it to friend or demonstrate it to them, but for real guys she need a little more than me to do so, and by doing that (i mean on using her) we sacrifice our privacy for good...

среда, 17. јун 2015.

Animator protiv Animacije

Zdravo ljudi, mozda ste gledali (a nadam se i mislim da jeste) animirani film (animaciju) poput "Ledenog Doba", "Sreka", "Madagaskara" ili nekog drugog... Ali poenta ovoga jeste da je pravljenje animacija, kao sto su ove, veoma komplikovan posao i da je trebalo uloziti dosta teskog rada i dosta, dosta vremena. No poenta one prethodne recenice jeste da treba da odvojite malo vremena (desetak minuta) i da pogledate ovaj (veoma dobar) animirani video i da podelite s nama sta vi mislite o njemu, i uopsteno ovoj temi, Animiranje...

Animator vs. Animation

Hey guys maybe you saw (and i hope and guess you did) an animated movie  like "Ice Age", "Shrek", "Madagascar" or some other... But the point of this is that making animations like that is very complicated and it took of lot of hard work and time of lots and lots of people. And the point of my previous sentence is that you should look at this (very good) animated video and share with us your thinking...

What is Ubuntu?

Funny thing actually, i previous post "Release date of Windows 10?" I said and i quote:

I underlined that word 'Ubuntu' because it's this posts most important word. I mentioned it by accident but it's perfect for learning new things, So lets start:

First of all Ubuntu is Operating System, and it's one of many Linux kernels.
You can check out Ubuntus home page ==> HERE
I guess i should say a few words now, but i`m not sure i`ll do that i think i`ll let pictures show you instead (with a bit of text that explain what`s what):


From Sudoku to shoot-em-ups, we’ve got loads of games that’ll keep you busy for hours. There are thousands of games available for Ubuntu, including titles from the Unity and Steam platforms. Pick from critically acclaimed titles such as Dota 2, Civilisation V, Kerbal Space Programme, Football Manager 2015 and Borderlands 2.

Office software

Create professional documents, spreadsheets and presentations on Ubuntu with LibreOffice, the open source office suite that’s compatible with Microsoft Office. That means you can open and edit files like Word documents, Excel spreadsheets and PowerPoint presentations and share them with other users quickly and easily. You can also use Google docs directly from your desktop.

Smarter searching

Smart filters to make it faster and easier to find the content you need, whether it’s stored on your computer or on the web. Type any query into the Dash home and the Smart Scopes server will determine which categories of content are the most relevant to your search, returning only the best results. And it learns from your past searches making it increasingly accurate over time.


Ubuntu comes with Thunderbird, Mozilla’s popular email application, so you’ll have fast desktop access to your email. No matter which email services you use; Microsoft Exchange, Gmail, Hotmail, pop or imap, email just works.


Keep up to date with your friends and colleagues quickly and easily. Ubuntu comes with Thunderbird, Mozilla’s popular email application, so you’ll have fast desktop access to your email. Services like Skype work seamlessly and with the Dash message lens, you can see all your microblogging feeds in one place. So you’ll be able to follow the latest news and gossip like never before.


Watch all your favourite content on Ubuntu with apps for playing, managing and sharing your videos. Edit your movies with PiTiVi and then watch them in Movie Player — or add VLC and OpenShot from the Ubuntu Software Centre, for compatibility with even more file formats.

I'm sure that all of you, who use Windows OS (Operating System) of any version, who never tried anything else than it, think that everything else is in every way pure sh#t... But I'm also sure that if you try Ubuntu or any other Linux, like Mint, Fedora, Puppy (puppy is perfect for old computers that have low memory) or any else version of Linux, you would like it. So i recommend that you download it and try it for couple of days, a good thing about Ubuntu is that when you make it bootable on USB and start it on your computer you get live preview... 
So that's it for this post guys, but since summer brake started will post a lot more of interesting stuff... 


среда, 10. јун 2015.

Kako namestiti automatsko cuvanje na PowerPoint-u

Pretpostavljam da je dobra vecina vas cula za produkt (naseg preksrasnog) Microsoft-a, PowerPoint, ali za one koji ipak nisu PowerPoint je program za izradu prezentacija (i kasnije pregledanje tj. prikazivanje istih) koji radi na jako jednostavnom principu...

Normalno postojale su brojne razlicite verzije kroz istoriju ovog programa:

  • 1990 PowerPoint 2.0 za Windows 3.0
  • 1992 PowerPoint 3.0 za Windows 3.1
  • 1993 PowerPoint 4.0 (Office 4.x)
  • 1995 PowerPoint za Windows 95 (verzija 7.0; Office 95)
  • 1997 PowerPoint 97 (verzija 8.0; Office 97)
  • 1999 PowerPoint 2000 (verzija 9.0; Office 2000)
  • 2001 PowerPoint 2002 (verzija 10; Office XP)
  • 2003 Office PowerPoint 2003 (verzija 11; Office 2003)
  • 2007 Office PowerPoint 2007 (verzija 12; Office 2007)
  • 2010 PowerPoint 2010 (verzija 14; Office 2010)
  • 2013 PowerPoint 2013 (verzija 15; Office 2013)

I naravno postoji manje/vise isti broj i za MacOS. Ali ovaj post nije o tome koliko je PP (PowerPoint) los/dobar, ili ti u kratko cisto sr@nje (sto cemo objasniti u nekom drugom postu zasto), vec da vam pokaze kako da na njemu namestite automatsko cuvanje vasih prezentacija... Pa hajde da pocnemo:

1. Prvo od svega sto treba da uradite jeste da otvorite bilo koju od vasih PP prezentacija, a zatim kliknite na dugme u gornjem desnom cosku (ikona tog dugmeta mozda ne bude ista kao na slici, zato sto to zavisi od verzije (i) Operativnog Sistema)...

2.Drugo, kada kliknete na ovo dugme izacice vam padajuci meni na kom vi treba da kliknete na dugme "PowerPoint Option" (mozda vam nece pisati ovako, zato sto vam PP nije namesten na Engleski kao sto je moj) kao sto je prikazano na slici: 

3.Nakon ovoga otvorice vam se jos jedan meni u kom treba da kliknete na opciju  "Save":

4.I za kraj ovog tutorijala, kada udjete u opciju "Save" cekirajte kutijicu koja je zaokruzena na slici ispod, a onda jednostavno namestite vremenski okvir za koji ce PP sam cuvati vase prezentacije...


I ovo bi bilo sve za ovaj post...

Pogledajte vise nasih tutorijala ==> OVDE
Takodje pogledajte nase postove u vezi Interneta, zato sto tamo mozete naci dosta korisnih stvari ==> OVDE

уторак, 9. јун 2015.

How to set up automatic saving on PowerPoint

I guess you all know about (our beloved) Microsoft`s program PowerPoint, and for those of you who didn't PowerPoint is presentation making (and, later of course, previewing the same) program that work on very simple, but nice way...

There are a lot of diferent versions of PowerPoint through the history:
  • 1990 PowerPoint 2.0 for Windows 3.0
  • 1992 PowerPoint 3.0 for Windows 3.1
  • 1993 PowerPoint 4.0 (Office 4.x)
  • 1995 PowerPoint for Windows 95 (version 7.0; Office 95)
  • 1997 PowerPoint 97 (version 8.0; Office 97)
  • 1999 PowerPoint 2000 (version 9.0; Office 2000)
  • 2001 PowerPoint 2002 (version 10; Office XP)
  • 2003 Office PowerPoint 2003 (version 11; Office 2003)
  • 2007 Office PowerPoint 2007 (version 12; Office 2007)
  • 2010 PowerPoint 2010 (version 14; Office 2010)
  • 2013 PowerPoint 2013 (version 15; Office 2013)
And of course there are practically same number of these for Mac. But this post isn't about how bad or/and good is PP (PowerPoint) but to show you how to set up automatically save all you presentations... So let's start:

1. First of all open any of your PP presentation, and then click on the icon in upper right corner (icon may not be same like the one on the pictures, because it depends on version and/of Operating System)...

2. Second of all when you clicked on that button there should be drop down menu opened, and in bottom of that menu you should now click on "PowerPoint Option" like is showed on picture:

3.After this you will get another menu in which you should click on option "Save":

4. And for the end of this tutorial, when you get inside option "Save"  check little box which is circled in this picture and then set the time interval for which your presentation will be saved...

And this is pretty much for this post...

See more of our TUTORIALS ==> HERE
And check out our post's about Internet, because you can find all  kind of helpful stuff ==> HERE

уторак, 2. јун 2015.

Cist dokaz za Windows 10!

"Nov operativni sistem Microsofta, Windows 10, će, kako je objavila ta firma, koštati 119 dolara ako je za kućnu upotrebu i 199 dolara u verziji za profesionalce. Da bi se prešlo s izdanja za kućnu upotrebu na verziju za profesionalce biće potrebno izdvojiti 99 dolara.
Windows 10 i pirati
Windows 10 će od 29. jula ove godine biti dostupan u 190 zemalja u svetu kao besplatna nadogradnja za korisnike Windowsa 7 i Windowsa 8.1.
Kako preći na nov OS i rezervisati Windows 10 objasnili smo vam na linku. Pirati će, ipak morati da kupe legalan Windows...
Plaćanje Windowsa 10 će početi 29. jula 2016. godine, do kada će taj OS biti besplatan i to pod određenim uslovima. Ipak, ovo ne znači da će oni koji ga preuzmu do ovog datuma besplatno, takođe morati da počnu da plaćaju upotrebu Windowsa 10. Microsoft je objasnio da promo period, tokom kojeg se besplatno prelazi na Windows 10 traje godinu dana, od 29. jula 2015. i svi korisnici koji u tom roku pređu na Windows 10 zadržavaju ga zauvek, besplatno i sa besplatnom podrškom dok traje životni ciklus uređaja na kojem je taj OS instaliran."

Ovo je tekst objavljen na portalu objaveljen pre 2 sata... Sada ovde vidimo podosta indormacija, ali za onu koja je nama zaista vazna moramo citati izmedju redova, i to ovaj deo "
Plaćanje Windowsa 10 će početi 29. jula 2016. godine, do kada će taj OS biti besplatan i to pod određenim uslovima.".
Pa razmislite malo, prakticno su dali datum izlaska koji je malte ne sutra (dobro ne bas al...), ja sam do pre par dana imao i sam Windows 10 a mogu vam reci da je za sad cisto sr@nje i da nema sanse da ga dovrse do 29. jula, te samim tim: "sto ga ("kobajagi")  ne izbaciti i koristiti korisnike kao zamorcice tokom tih godinu dana..." I tako odlucise oni ("oni" su takodje poznati i kao truli bogatasi na vrhu) da to urade. E sad da li je ovo samo paranoja, malo zelje nase maste za humorom ( makar bio on i najveca glupost) ili stvarnost, ovo su cinjenice...

понедељак, 1. јун 2015.

Release date of Windows 10?


One date, but again why is there in the title of this post a question mark?
How many of you remember the total "techno-fever" of Windows Vista? The promises of the same company (that makes Windows 10- Microsoft) constantly were coming from all sides ... And not to mentin Release date... But we simply must, how much was it delayed annnd why... - from their promise to make a `hit` in the world of marketing, i.e technology, or simply because the Vista did't worked (and frankly it wasn't doing even when it came out) ...And 7, what to say about it except that it is thrown out when they saw that the previous Windows (Vista) was pure sh!t (And they needed quite a time to figure that out)...
Windows 8 ... Uhhh that's hard ... Buuut, lets see: The community didn't like it, and me personally, i don't like it either (to which option), metro somewhat complete flop (if you're wondering what's metro see picture below) ... But we're not here to talk about previous versions of Windows but about Windows 10th.

I had the opportunity, as you can see in the post "New project? (maybe, maybe not)", to try out Windows 10 TP (Technical Preview), until yesterday when I got upset and went back to Linux (Ubuntu- and yes i know it's not really "pure" Linux), I lost my temper because the last version (of Windows 10 TP) that I had was very unstable and I had bugs and the constant shutdowns ... So "the current official" release date is 29/07/2015. years. But knowing the Microsoft ............

Check out this video, which shows a couple of things about the current state of Windows 10's.

Datum izlaska Windows 10?


Jedan datum, no opet zasto, zasto  je naslov ovog posta pod upitnikom?

 Koliko od vas se seca totalne "tehno-groznice" Windowsa Viste? Obecanja od iste te kompanije (Microsoft-a) neprestano su stizala sa svih strana... Datum objave i ne pominjati... Ali naprosto moramo, koliko je odlozen i zasto, iz njihovog obecanja da prave neki `hit` u svetu marketinga, ovaj, tehnologije ili prosto zato sto nije radio (a iskreno nije nesto radio i kad je izasao)...

A 7-mica, sta o njoj reci sem da je izbacena kada su videli da je prethodni Windows (Vista) bio cisto sr@nje... 

Windows 8... Tesko bogami, tesko... Ali hajde ovako: Zajednici se nije svideo, meni licno, takodje nije (kako koja opcija), metro donekle totalni promasaj (ako se pitate sta je metro pogledajte sliku ispod)...Ali mi nismo ovde da pricamo o prethodnim verzijama Windows-a vec o Windows 10.
Imao sam priliku, kao sto mozete da vidite u postu "Novi projekat?(mozda da mozda ne) ", da i sam oprobam Windows 10 TP (Technical Preview), do juce kada sam se iznervirao i vratio se na Linux (Ubuntu-znam da nije bas "cist" Linux), iznervirao sam se zato sto poslednja verzija koju sam ja imao je bila veoma nestabilna, te sam imao ceste bagove i gasenja... Dakle "trenutni zvanicni" datum je 29.07.2015. godine. Ali poznajuci Microsoft............

Pogledajte ovaj video, koji prikazuje par stvari o trenutno stanju Windows 10-ke.

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