Image Map

недеља, 31. август 2014.

Kako slikati ekran na Iphone/Ipad uredjajima

1.  Pritisnite dugme jedan (home) i dugme dva (lock) u istom trenutku. Ekran ce zasvjetliti i cucete zvuk aparata za slikanje. Screenshot vam je sacuvan u ostalim slikama sa iPhone-a. To je sve.
Uskoro izlazi i kako slikati na android uredjajima

субота, 30. август 2014.

How to change the format / extension of a file in Windows XP

Format of a file I incredibly easy to change as you will realize yourself in reading this article.

For starters what are the extensions?

Extensions are in addition to the names of files, depending on which of its kind allow the operating system to recognize what type of file it is most common in the Windows operating system consists of three letters, for example: doc or pdf for documentation intended, .mp3 for music. avi for video files, jpg for images etc ...

How to find extensions?

On Windows, the operating system extensions are hidden, but here's a way to find tham out:

1 We go to My Computer / Tools / Folder Options.

 2.After then select Show if you want to see the file extensions we uncheck field: Hide file extensions of unknown file types

File extension is not advisable to change, because in this case the operating system will not recognize any of the format works and will be able to open the file. If you want to compile a file of a certain format to another format, you must use a particular file converter, for example, converter jpg to txt format to translate the image into the text. Usually changing the extension will not be of any help.


Screen image

Everything you need to take a screen shot you already have: keyboard and paint.
All you need to do is set the desired point on the screen and click on your keyboard print screen, usually it`s marked as PrtScn.

After that come in the paint and at the top left corner you have the paste button or you can use the shortcut Ctrl + V, after that you can save the file in a specific format or add something to it or cut it to a certain part.




    Hope you like this and that this will come useful  :)



  • Sliku ekrana
Sve sto vam je potrebno da bi napravili sliku ekrana vec imate:tastatura i paint.
Sve sto trebate da uradite jeste da namestite zeljenu stvar na ekranu i da na vasoj tastaturi kliknete print screen,najcesce se obelezava prtscn.

Nakon toga udjite u bojanku/paint i pri  levom gornjem uglu imate dugme paste ili mozete koristiti precicu Ctrl+V,posle mozete sacuvati sliku u odredjenim formatima ili dodati nesto na nju ili iseci do odredjenog dela...

четвртак, 28. август 2014.

Kako promeniti format/ekstenziju fajla u Windows XP-u

Format nekog fajla ja neverovatno lako promeniti sto cete shvatiti i sami u citanju ovog teksta.


Ekstenzije su dodatak imenima fajlova,koji od zavisnosti svoje vrste omogucavaju operativnom sistemu da prepozna o kojem tipu fajla se radi.Najcesce se u Windows operativnom sistemu sastoje od tri slova,na primer: .doc ili .pdf za dokumeta, .mp3 za muziku, .avi za video fajlove, .jpg za slike itd...

Kako videti ekstenzije?

U Windows-ovom operativnom sistemu ekstenzije su sakrivene,no evo nacina da ih otkrijete :

1.Udjemo u My computer/alatke/opcije fascikle.
2.Nakon toga izaberemo Prikaz i ako želimo da vidimo fajl ekstenzije otštikliramo polje: Sakrij oznake tipa datoteke nepoznatih tipova datoteke

Ekstenziju fajla nije preporučljivo menjati, jer u tom slučaju operativni sistem neće prepoznati o kom se formatu radi i neće moći da otvori fajl. Ako želite da datoteku određenog formata prevedete u drugi format, morate upotrebiti određeni fajl konvertor, na primer konvertor .jpg u .txt format kako bi sliku preveli u tekst. Obično menjanje ekstenzije neće biti ni od kakve pomoći.

субота, 23. август 2014.

How to add "to top" button on your blog

1.log in to you blogger account and select the blog you want to add this

2.go into option look and choose a place where you will add the gadget.

3. Once you choose a place and you went out the window where you select Gadget select "HTML / JavaScript"

4.When you open a popup window "Content" paste the following code.

     <! - GO-UP-START -> <div style = "position: fixed; z-index: 65535; right: 10px; bottom: 10px"> <! -> <a href='#Top' title='Idi gore'> <img src=''alt=”go" the top image "/> </a> <! -> <! - GO-UP-STOP ->


<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

<noscript>Not seeing a <a href="">Scroll to Top Button</a>? Go to our FAQ page for more info.</noscript>


<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<noscript>Not seeing a <a href="">Scroll to Top Button</a>? Go to our FAQ page for more info.</noscript>

(If you want the button shown on the left side replace right to the left)

петак, 22. август 2014.

Kako dodati "to top" dugme na vas blog

1.ulogujete se na vas blooger profil i izaberete blog na koji zelite ovo da dodate


2.Idete u Izgled i izaberete mesto gde cete dodati gadzet.


3.Nakon sto ste izabrali mesto i izasao vam prozor gde birate gadzete izaberite "HTML/JavaScript"


4.Kada vam se otvori iskacuci prozor u prozor "Sadrzaj" nalepite sledeci kod.



<!--IDI-GORE-START--><div style="position: fixed; z-index: 65535; right: 10px; bottom: 10px;"><!— ><a href='#Top' title='Idi gore'><img src=''alt=”go" to top image” /></a><!— ><!--IDI-GORE-STOP-->

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<noscript>Not seeing a <a href="">Scroll to Top Button</a></noscript>

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<noscript>Not seeing a <a href="">Scroll to Top Button</a></noscript>

(Ukoliko zelite da vam da vam se dugme pokazuje na levoj strani zamenite right sa lef-samo u prvom kodu u druga dva nemate tu mogucnost)

среда, 20. август 2014.

Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows XP

Press this key:                        To do this:                                               

Display the help dialog    
 Ctrl + C                                  copy                         
Ctrl + X                                   cropping
Ctrl + V                                   bonding 
Ctrl + Z                                      recall 
Delete                                        Deleting
Shift + Delete
        Permanently delete the selected item without moving it to the Recycle Bin
F2                                         Rename the selected item 
Ctrl + Right arrow        Move the cursor to the beginning of the next word 
Ctrl + Left Arrow         Move the cursor to the beginning of the previous word 
Ctrl + Down arrow       Move the cursor to the beginning of the next paragraph 
Ctrl + up arrow            Move the cursor to the beginning of the previous paragraph 
Ctrl + Shift key with the arrow          Highlighting a section of text 
Shift with any arrow key    Select more than one item in a window or on the desktop, or select text in a document 
Ctrl + A                                               selects all 
F3                                             Search the file or folder                                                                      
Alt + Enter                             Display properties for the selected item 
Alt + F4                               Close the active item, or exits, or the active program 
Alt + Spacebar                 Opens the shortcut menu for the active window 
Ctrl + F4                               Closes the active document (in programs that allow you to have multiple documents open simultaneously) 
Alt + Tab                                     Switch between open items 
Alt + Esc                        Navigate through the items in order of opening 
F6                           Navigate through the screen elements in a window or on the desktop 
F4                                       View items in the active list in the dialog 
The Menu                           Displays a shortcut menu for the selected item 
Ctrl + Esc                                             "Start" menu 
Alt + underlined letter                   Execute the corresponding command or select the corresponding option in the dialog 
Alt + underlined letter in the menu                     Display the corresponding menu 
F10                                                        Activate the menu bar in the active program 
right arrow                                       Opens the following menu on the right side or open a submenu 
left arrow                                         Opens the following menu on the left, or close a submenu 
F5 (or Ctrl + R)                                                    Refresh the active window 
spacebar                                                      Displays the folder one level up in Windows Explorer 
Esc                                                                          Cancels the current job 
Shift when you insert a CD                                                   Prevents AutoPlay CDs

Precice na tastaturi za Windows XP

Pritisnite ovaj taster: Da biste uradili sledeće:
Prikazali pomoć u dijalogu
Trajno brisanje izabrane stavke bez premeštanja u korpu za otpatke
Preimenovanje izabrane stavke
Ctrl+strelica nadesno
Premeštanje kursora na početak sledeće reči
Ctrl+strelica nalevo
Premeštanje kursora na početak prethodne reči
Ctrl+strelica nadole
Premeštanje kursora na početak sledećeg pasusa
Ctrl+strelica nagore
Premeštanje kursora na početak prethodnog pasusa
Ctrl+Shift sa tasterom strelice
Isticanje dela teksta
Shift sa bilo kojim tasterom sa strelicom
Izaberite više od jedne stavke u prozoru ili na radnoj površini ili izaberite tekst u dokumentu
Bira sve
Traži datoteku ili fasciklu
Prikaz svojstava za izabranu stavku
Zatvara aktivnu stavku ili izlazi ili aktivnog programa
Otvara meni sa prečicama za aktivan prozor
Zatvara aktivan dokument (u programima koji omogućavaju da imate više dokumenata otvorenih istovremeno)
Prebacivanje između otvorenih stavki
Kretanje kroz stavke prema redosledu otvaranja
Kretanje kroz elemente ekrana u prozoru ili na radnoj površini
Prikaz stavki na aktivnoj listi u dijalogu
Taster menija
Prikazuje meni sa prečicama za izabranu stavku
Prikazuje „Start“ meni
Alt+podvučeno slovo
Izvršavanje odgovarajuće komande ili biranje odgovarajuće opcije u dijalogu
Alt+podvučeno slovo u imenu menija
Prikaz odgovarajućeg menija
Aktiviranje trake sa menijima u aktivnom programu
Strelica nadesno
Otvara sledeći meni sa desne strane ili otvara podmeni
Strelica nalevo
Otvara sledeći meni sa leve strane ili zatvara podmeni
F5 (ili Ctrl+R)
Osvežavanje aktivnog prozora
Prikazuje fasciklu jedan nivo naviše u programu Windows Explorer
Otkazuje trenutni zadatak
Shift kada stavite CD
Sprečava automatsku reprodukciju CD-a

субота, 16. август 2014.


             Why should links be shorten ? 

Some links may be lengthy and is convenient to use the abbreviation, if you want to twitter to post a link is beneficial to shorten because the tweet is limited to 140 characters, so you need to leave enough space for comment or RT. In addition, you can monitor and statistics ie. You can see how many times someone clicked on your shortened link, but you need to register at one of the service to shorten links. 

              Where can links be shorten ? 

1. In the first place I'm going to put the home site I encountered relatively recently. The site is very good because it gives you the opportunity to choose the name of the shortened link, and it takes the form 

The site provides the ability to protect and address, by entering a code so that any attempt to access that link would be impossible without these codes. This offers the possibility that only people who have the password can access the link. 

2. Another site where you can shorten the link Simply enter the address you want to shorten and click "shorten". 

3. Here I will mention another site, and it's . This site is quite often used to shorten the procedure is the same as in the previous cases. 

If anyone reads this I hope it will benefit you;)

Kako skratiti linkove

           Zašto treba skratiti linkove?

Neki linkovi mogu biti dugački pa je zgodnije koristiti ovaj skraćeni, ako na twitteru želite da postavite neki link pogodno je da ga skratite jer je tvit ograničen na 140 karaktera, pa trebate ostaviti dovoljno prostora za komentar ili RT. Osim toga, možete pratiti i statistiku tj. možete videti koliko je puta neko kliknuo na vaš skraćeni link, ali je potrebno registrovati se na neki od servisa za skraćivanje linkova.

Gde možete skratiti linkove?

1. Na prvom mestu ću staviti domaći sajt na koji sam naišao relativno skoro. Sajt je veoma dobar jer vam pruža mogućnost da sami izaberete ime tog skraćenog linka, pa on dobija oblik 

Ovaj sajt pruža mogućnost i zaštite adrese, tako što ćete uneti neku šifru tako da će svaki pokušaj da se pristupi tom linku biti nemoguć bez te šifre. To pruža mogućnost da samo ljudi koji imaju šifru mogu da pristupe linku.

2. Drugi sajt na kome možete skratiti linkove je Jednostavno unesite adresu koju želite da skratite i kliknite na "shorten".

3. Ovde ću navesti još jedan sajt, a to je Ovaj sajt se dosta često koristi, postupak skraćivanja je isti kao i u prethodnim slučajevima.

Ako neko procita ovo nadam se da ce vam koristiti ;)

петак, 15. август 2014.



                        Fake  _____ conversation

  • SMS

If you want to make fun of the SMS conversations in this article I will show you how you can do it.
To make the conversation seem more convincing, you can set the name of the operator, the time, the contact name and even more.
Visit the website iphonetextgenerator and make your conversation
(Problem about this site is that,that sms conversation only works on iphone type of phone)

  • Facebook

The simplest way to create a fake facebook conversation is over the next sajta.Everything you need is to enter the name of the person you 'talk' and what she said and what you responded to that, this is actually very simple.Than by clicking "Create Facebook Quote" will appear picture that shows your status with pixelize images. In this way, one gets the impression that the status  is real, but that we want to hide the image of the person who wrote it.


Between this site there are still many sites to create fake facebook conversation, here are some examples:



If you liked Part I "HOW TO MAKE A" share this blog with friends and maybe they find something useful here ...


             Laznu _____ konverzaciju

  • SMS    

Ukoliko želite da napravite neku šalu sa SMS konverzacijama u ovom tekstu ću vam pokazati kako to možete da uradite. Da bi konverzacija izgledala uverljivije možete podesiti ime operatera, koliko je sati, ime kontakta i jos ponesto.
 Posetite sajt iphonetextgenerator i napravite svoju konverzaciju
(Problem u vezi ovog sajta jeste to sto sms konverzacije deluje samo na iphone tipu telefona)

Lazan________ Status

  • Facebook

Najjednostavniji način da napravite lažnu facebook konverzaciju je preko sledeceg sajta.Sve sto treba jeste da upisete ime osobe sa kojom ''razgovarate'' i sta je ona rekla a zatim sta ste vi na to odgovorili,zapravo je jako prosto.Potom klikom na dugme "Create Facebook Quote"Pojavi ce se slika na kojoj se vidi vaš status sa pixelizovanim slikama. Na taj način se stiče utisak da je status pravi, ali da želimo da sakrijemo sliku onoga ko je to napisao.


Uz ovaj sajt postoji jo mnogo sajtova za pravljenje lazne facebook konverzacije,evo jos nekih primera:



Ako vam se svideo I deo "KAKO NAPRAVITI" podelite ovaj blog sa drugarima mozda i oni nadju nesto korisno ovde...
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