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недеља, 17. јул 2016.

BalkanDownload - one awsome forum with everything :D
One excellent forum from the Balkans, as the name says, that brings convenience, from movies and games, music to tutorials, you can find anything you might want, or at least most of the things you could possibly wish for ...

A good number of times when i wanted to watch a movie in cinema that just came out and didnt have money for that (which is often :p) came out

within a few days on this forum, and not only the camera but real videos ...

The team that works on this forum, ie. those who place things here such as movies, go out of their eye about everything starting from the translation which is always fantastic (but if i ever fall short of translation we recommend that you use BS player, because it automatically seeks translation on the Internet)

Link to Site ->

Note that the site is on Serbian language

* All rights go to the forum. I do not have any rights to use of the name, but only for the purposes of sharing this forum with the readers of this blog and curious and inquisitive people.

четвртак, 14. јул 2016.

BalkanDownload - jedan odlican forum o svemu i svacemu

Jedan odlican forum sa balkanskih prostora, kako samo ime kaze, koji donosi veliku ponudu sadrzaja, od filmova, igara, preko muzike do tutorijala, mozete naci sve sto mozete pozeleti, ili barem vecinu stvari koju mozete pozeleti...

Dobar broj filmova koji sam zeleo da gledam kada je izasao a nisam imao para za bioskop(a to je cesto :D) izasao je u roku od nekoliko dana na ovom forumu, i to ne samo kamera vec i pravi snimci... Ekipa koja radi na ovom forumu, tj. oni koji postavljaju stvari ovde poput filmova, se neverovatno trude oko okosvega pocevsi od prevoda koji je uvek fenomenalan (no ukoliko i prevod nekad podbaci mi preporucujemo da koristite BS plejer, zato sto on automatski trazi prevod na internetu)

Link do sajta -->

*Sva prava idu samom forumu. Nemam nikakva prava na korscenje  ovog imena, vec samo u svrhe deljenja ovog foruma sa citaocima ovog bloga i znatizeljnim i radoznalim licima.
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